Amazon Dashboard Template
Amazon Sales
Year 2021
Total This Year
<!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>ZingSoft Demo</title> <script nonce="undefined" src=""></script> <style> :root { --darkBlue: #1C232B; --lightBlue: #35BCB8; --white: #FFFFFF; --gray: #3C454E; } .zc-body { margin: 0; background-color: var(--darkBlue); color: var(--white); font-family: Source Sans Pro; font-weight: normal; text-shadow: none; line-height: 1.5; } /* Defaults */ .amzn h1, .amzn h2, .amzn h3 { color: var(--white); font-weight: normal; text-shadow: none; } /* Nav */ .amzn-nav { display: flex; height: 100px; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; } .amzn-nav div { padding: 0 40px; } .amzn-nav svg { fill: var(--white); } /* Content */ .amzn-content #line-chart { height: 500px; padding: 0 40px; } /* Chart */ .amzn-chart { width: 100%; min-height: 500px; } /* Insights */ .amzn-insights { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; flex-wrap: wrap; height: 400px; padding: 16px 40px; } .amzn-box { display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; width: 48%; min-height: 200px; padding: 0 1rem; border: 1px solid var(--gray); border-radius: 4px; box-sizing: border-box; } .amzn-box .amzn-chart { min-height: 120px; } .amzn-box span { color: var(--lightBlue); font-size: 36px; margin: 24px; } @media screen and (max-width: 500px) { .amzn-insights { flex-direction: column; flex-wrap: nowrap; min-height: 700px; } } .zc-ref { display: none; } </style> </head> <body class="zc-body"> <div class="amzn"> <nav class="amzn-nav"> <div> <svg xmlns="" width="35" height="35" viewBox="0 0 1100 1000"> <path d="M2 776c3.333-5.333 8.666-5.667 16-1 166.666 96.667 348 145 544 145 130.666 0 259.666-24.333 387-73 3.333-1.333 8.166-3.333 14.5-6 6.333-2.667 10.833-4.667 13.5-6 10-4 17.833-2 23.5 6 5.666 8 3.833 15.333-5.5 22-12 8.667-27.334 18.667-46 30-57.334 34-121.334 60.333-192 79-70.667 18.667-139.667 28-207 28-104 0-202.334-18.167-295-54.5C162.333 909.167 79.333 858 6 792c-4-3.333-6-6.667-6-10 0-2 .666-4 2-6zm301-285c0-46 11.333-85.333 34-118 22.666-32.667 53.666-57.333 93-74 36-15.333 80.333-26.333 133-33 18-2 47.333-4.667 88-8v-17c0-42.667-4.667-71.333-14-86-14-20-36-30-66-30h-8c-22 2-41 9-57 21s-26.334 28.667-31 50c-2.667 13.333-9.334 21-20 23l-115-14c-11.334-2.667-17-8.667-17-18 0-2 .333-4.333 1-7 11.333-59.333 39.166-103.333 83.5-132C451.833 19.333 503.666 3.333 563 0h25c76 0 135.333 19.667 178 59a190.52 190.52 0 0 1 18.5 21.5c5.666 7.667 10.166 14.5 13.5 20.5 3.333 6 6.333 14.667 9 26 2.666 11.333 4.666 19.167 6 23.5 1.333 4.333 2.333 13.667 3 28 .666 14.333 1 22.833 1 25.5v242c0 17.333 2.5 33.167 7.5 47.5s9.833 24.667 14.5 31c4.666 6.333 12.333 16.5 23 30.5 4 6 6 11.333 6 16 0 5.333-2.667 10-8 14-55.334 48-85.334 74-90 78-8 6-17.667 6.667-29 2-9.334-8-17.5-15.667-24.5-23s-12-12.667-15-16-7.834-9.833-14.5-19.5c-6.667-9.667-11.334-16.167-14-19.5-37.334 40.667-74 66-110 76-22.667 6.667-50.667 10-84 10-51.334 0-93.5-15.833-126.5-47.5S303 549 303 491zm172-20c0 26 6.5 46.833 19.5 62.5S525 557 547 557c2 0 4.833-.333 8.5-1 3.666-.667 6.166-1 7.5-1 28-7.333 49.666-25.333 65-54 7.333-12.667 12.833-26.5 16.5-41.5 3.666-15 5.666-27.167 6-36.5.333-9.333.5-24.667.5-46v-25c-38.667 0-68 2.667-88 8-58.667 16.667-88 53.667-88 111zm420 322c1.333-2.667 3.333-5.333 6-8 16.666-11.333 32.666-19 48-23 25.333-6.667 50-10.333 74-11 6.666-.667 13-.333 19 1 30 2.667 48 7.667 54 15 2.666 4 4 10 4 18v7c0 23.333-6.334 50.833-19 82.5-12.667 31.667-30.334 57.167-53 76.5-3.334 2.667-6.334 4-9 4-1.334 0-2.667-.333-4-1-4-2-5-5.667-3-11 24.666-58 37-98.333 37-121 0-7.333-1.334-12.667-4-16-6.667-8-25.334-12-56-12-11.334 0-24.667.667-40 2-16.667 2-32 4-46 6-4 0-6.667-.667-8-2-1.334-1.333-1.667-2.667-1-4 0-.667.333-1.667 1-3z" /> </svg> </div> <div> <h1>Amazon Sales</h1> <p>Year 2021</p> </div> </nav> <div class="amzn-content"> <div id="chartLine" class="amzn-chart"> <a href="" rel="noopener" class="zc-ref">Powered by ZingChart</a> </div> <div class="amzn-insights"> <div class="amzn-box"> <h3>Gender</h3> <div id="chartPie" class="amzn-chart"> <a href="" rel="noopener" class="zc-ref">Powered by ZingChart</a> </div> </div> <div class="amzn-box"> <h3>Total This Year</h3> <span>$545k</span> </div> <div class="amzn-box"> <h3>Male</h3> <div id="chartMaleLine" class="amzn-chart"> <a href="" rel="noopener" class="zc-ref">Powered by ZingChart</a> </div> </div> <div class="amzn-box"> <h3>Female</h3> <div id="chartFemaleLine" class="amzn-chart"> <a href="" rel="noopener" class="zc-ref">Powered by ZingChart</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script> ZC.LICENSE = ["569d52cefae586f634c54f86dc99e6a9", "b55b025e438fa8a98e32482b5f768ff5"]; // DEFINE CHART LOCATIONS (IDS) // ----------------------------- // Main chart render location let lineId = 'chartLine'; let maleLineId = 'chartMaleLine'; let femaleLineId = 'chartFemaleLine'; let pieId = 'chartPie'; // CHART CONFIG // ----------------------------- // Line let lineConfig = { type: 'area', globals: { fontColor: 'var(--white)', fontFamily: 'Source Sans Pro', }, backgroundColor: 'transparent', legend: { align: 'left', backgroundColor: 'transparent', borderWidth: '0px', item: { fontWeight: 'normal', textShadow: 'none', }, layout: '1', marker: { type: 'circle', borderWidth: '0px', }, }, plot: { tooltip: { visible: false, }, }, scaleX: { lineWidth: '0px', labels: ['Jan<br>2021', 'Feb<br>2021', 'Mar<br>2021', 'Apr<br>2021'], tick: { visible: false, }, }, scaleY: { lineWidth: '0px', guide: { lineColor: 'var(--gray)', lineStyle: 'solid', }, tick: { visible: false, }, }, series: [{ text: 'Music', values: [1, 2, 3, 4], backgroundColor: 'var(--lightBlue)', lineColor: 'var(--lightBlue)', marker: { backgroundColor: 'var(--lightBlue)', }, }, { text: 'Electronics', values: [2, 4, 6, 8], backgroundColor: 'var(--lightBlue)', lineColor: 'var(--lightBlue)', marker: { backgroundColor: 'var(--lightBlue)', }, }, { text: 'Grocery', values: [3, 6, 9, 12], backgroundColor: 'var(--lightBlue)', lineColor: 'var(--lightBlue)', marker: { backgroundColor: 'var(--lightBlue)', }, }, ], }; // Male Line let maleLineConfig = { type: 'hbar', backgroundColor: 'transparent', plotarea: { margin: '0 0 16px 0', }, scaleX: { visible: false, }, scaleY: { visible: false, }, series: [{ values: [1, 2, 3], backgroundColor: 'var(--lightBlue)', }, ], }; // Female Line let femaleLineConfig = { type: 'hbar', backgroundColor: 'transparent', plotarea: { margin: '0 0 16px 0', }, scaleX: { visible: false, }, scaleY: { visible: false, }, series: [{ values: [1, 2, 3], backgroundColor: 'var(--lightBlue)', }, ], }; // Pie let pieConfig = { type: 'ring', backgroundColor: 'transparent', plot: { valueBox: { visible: false, }, borderWidth: 0, slice: '75%', }, plotarea: { margin: '0 0 16px 0', }, series: [{ values: [85], backgroundColor: 'var(--lightBlue)', }, ], }; // RENDER CHARTS // ----------------------------- // Line zingchart.render({ id: lineId, data: lineConfig, height: '100%', width: '100%', }); // Male Line zingchart.render({ id: maleLineId, data: maleLineConfig, height: '100%', width: '100%', }); // Female Line zingchart.render({ id: femaleLineId, data: femaleLineConfig, height: '100%', width: '100%', }); // Pie zingchart.render({ id: pieId, data: pieConfig, height: '100%', width: '100%', }); </script> </body> </html>
<!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>ZingSoft Demo</title> <script src=""></script> </head> <body class="zc-body"> <div class="amzn"> <nav class="amzn-nav"> <div> <svg xmlns="" width="35" height="35" viewBox="0 0 1100 1000"><path d="M2 776c3.333-5.333 8.666-5.667 16-1 166.666 96.667 348 145 544 145 130.666 0 259.666-24.333 387-73 3.333-1.333 8.166-3.333 14.5-6 6.333-2.667 10.833-4.667 13.5-6 10-4 17.833-2 23.5 6 5.666 8 3.833 15.333-5.5 22-12 8.667-27.334 18.667-46 30-57.334 34-121.334 60.333-192 79-70.667 18.667-139.667 28-207 28-104 0-202.334-18.167-295-54.5C162.333 909.167 79.333 858 6 792c-4-3.333-6-6.667-6-10 0-2 .666-4 2-6zm301-285c0-46 11.333-85.333 34-118 22.666-32.667 53.666-57.333 93-74 36-15.333 80.333-26.333 133-33 18-2 47.333-4.667 88-8v-17c0-42.667-4.667-71.333-14-86-14-20-36-30-66-30h-8c-22 2-41 9-57 21s-26.334 28.667-31 50c-2.667 13.333-9.334 21-20 23l-115-14c-11.334-2.667-17-8.667-17-18 0-2 .333-4.333 1-7 11.333-59.333 39.166-103.333 83.5-132C451.833 19.333 503.666 3.333 563 0h25c76 0 135.333 19.667 178 59a190.52 190.52 0 0 1 18.5 21.5c5.666 7.667 10.166 14.5 13.5 20.5 3.333 6 6.333 14.667 9 26 2.666 11.333 4.666 19.167 6 23.5 1.333 4.333 2.333 13.667 3 28 .666 14.333 1 22.833 1 25.5v242c0 17.333 2.5 33.167 7.5 47.5s9.833 24.667 14.5 31c4.666 6.333 12.333 16.5 23 30.5 4 6 6 11.333 6 16 0 5.333-2.667 10-8 14-55.334 48-85.334 74-90 78-8 6-17.667 6.667-29 2-9.334-8-17.5-15.667-24.5-23s-12-12.667-15-16-7.834-9.833-14.5-19.5c-6.667-9.667-11.334-16.167-14-19.5-37.334 40.667-74 66-110 76-22.667 6.667-50.667 10-84 10-51.334 0-93.5-15.833-126.5-47.5S303 549 303 491zm172-20c0 26 6.5 46.833 19.5 62.5S525 557 547 557c2 0 4.833-.333 8.5-1 3.666-.667 6.166-1 7.5-1 28-7.333 49.666-25.333 65-54 7.333-12.667 12.833-26.5 16.5-41.5 3.666-15 5.666-27.167 6-36.5.333-9.333.5-24.667.5-46v-25c-38.667 0-68 2.667-88 8-58.667 16.667-88 53.667-88 111zm420 322c1.333-2.667 3.333-5.333 6-8 16.666-11.333 32.666-19 48-23 25.333-6.667 50-10.333 74-11 6.666-.667 13-.333 19 1 30 2.667 48 7.667 54 15 2.666 4 4 10 4 18v7c0 23.333-6.334 50.833-19 82.5-12.667 31.667-30.334 57.167-53 76.5-3.334 2.667-6.334 4-9 4-1.334 0-2.667-.333-4-1-4-2-5-5.667-3-11 24.666-58 37-98.333 37-121 0-7.333-1.334-12.667-4-16-6.667-8-25.334-12-56-12-11.334 0-24.667.667-40 2-16.667 2-32 4-46 6-4 0-6.667-.667-8-2-1.334-1.333-1.667-2.667-1-4 0-.667.333-1.667 1-3z"/></svg> </div> <div> <h1>Amazon Sales</h1> <p>Year 2021</p> </div> </nav> <div class="amzn-content"> <div id="chartLine" class="amzn-chart"> <a href="" rel="noopener" class="zc-ref">Powered by ZingChart</a> </div> <div class="amzn-insights"> <div class="amzn-box"> <h3>Gender</h3> <div id="chartPie" class="amzn-chart"> <a href="" rel="noopener" class="zc-ref">Powered by ZingChart</a> </div> </div> <div class="amzn-box"> <h3>Total This Year</h3> <span>$545k</span> </div> <div class="amzn-box"> <h3>Male</h3> <div id="chartMaleLine" class="amzn-chart"> <a href="" rel="noopener" class="zc-ref">Powered by ZingChart</a> </div> </div> <div class="amzn-box"> <h3>Female</h3> <div id="chartFemaleLine" class="amzn-chart"> <a href="" rel="noopener" class="zc-ref">Powered by ZingChart</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>
// DEFINE CHART LOCATIONS (IDS) // ----------------------------- // Main chart render location let lineId = 'chartLine'; let maleLineId = 'chartMaleLine'; let femaleLineId = 'chartFemaleLine'; let pieId = 'chartPie'; // CHART CONFIG // ----------------------------- // Line let lineConfig = { type: 'area', globals: { fontColor: 'var(--white)', fontFamily: 'Source Sans Pro', }, backgroundColor: 'transparent', legend: { align: 'left', backgroundColor: 'transparent', borderWidth: '0px', item: { fontWeight: 'normal', textShadow: 'none', }, layout: '1', marker: { type: 'circle', borderWidth: '0px', }, }, plot: { tooltip: { visible: false, }, }, scaleX: { lineWidth: '0px', labels: ['Jan<br>2021', 'Feb<br>2021', 'Mar<br>2021', 'Apr<br>2021'], tick: { visible: false, }, }, scaleY: { lineWidth: '0px', guide: { lineColor: 'var(--gray)', lineStyle: 'solid', }, tick: { visible: false, }, }, series: [ { text: 'Music', values: [1, 2, 3, 4], backgroundColor: 'var(--lightBlue)', lineColor: 'var(--lightBlue)', marker: { backgroundColor: 'var(--lightBlue)', }, }, { text: 'Electronics', values: [2, 4, 6, 8], backgroundColor: 'var(--lightBlue)', lineColor: 'var(--lightBlue)', marker: { backgroundColor: 'var(--lightBlue)', }, }, { text: 'Grocery', values: [3, 6, 9, 12], backgroundColor: 'var(--lightBlue)', lineColor: 'var(--lightBlue)', marker: { backgroundColor: 'var(--lightBlue)', }, }, ], }; // Male Line let maleLineConfig = { type: 'hbar', backgroundColor: 'transparent', plotarea: { margin: '0 0 16px 0', }, scaleX: { visible: false, }, scaleY: { visible: false, }, series: [ { values: [1, 2, 3], backgroundColor: 'var(--lightBlue)', }, ], }; // Female Line let femaleLineConfig = { type: 'hbar', backgroundColor: 'transparent', plotarea: { margin: '0 0 16px 0', }, scaleX: { visible: false, }, scaleY: { visible: false, }, series: [ { values: [1, 2, 3], backgroundColor: 'var(--lightBlue)', }, ], }; // Pie let pieConfig = { type: 'ring', backgroundColor: 'transparent', plot: { valueBox: { visible: false, }, borderWidth: 0, slice: '75%', }, plotarea: { margin: '0 0 16px 0', }, series: [ { values: [85], backgroundColor: 'var(--lightBlue)', }, ], }; // RENDER CHARTS // ----------------------------- // Line zingchart.render({ id: lineId, data: lineConfig, height: '100%', width: '100%', }); // Male Line zingchart.render({ id: maleLineId, data: maleLineConfig, height: '100%', width: '100%', }); // Female Line zingchart.render({ id: femaleLineId, data: femaleLineConfig, height: '100%', width: '100%', }); // Pie zingchart.render({ id: pieId, data: pieConfig, height: '100%', width: '100%', });
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