graph » media-rules
media-rules, mediaRules
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Media rules allow for the creation of responsive charts by changing how the chart and its various objects appear at different breakpoints (or chart dimensions). You can create media rules based on the width and/or height of the chart. Try interacting with the following chart. Refer to the Media Rules Tutorial for more information.
Attribute | Type | Description |
3dAspect 3d-aspect | Object | Sets the 3D properties for 3D chart types. Allows you to change the viewing angle, chart depth, zoom level, and 3D engine type. Chart types: 3D Charts |
alpha | Number | Sets the opacity on the marker, with 0 being fully transparent and 1 being fully opaque. Note that decimal value requires the leading 0. Default Value: 1 |
angle | Number | Sets the rotation angle of the object. |
animateType animate-type | String | Sets the animation routine on the chart. If set to 'initial', then the chart will ONLY animate on render. The chart will not animate on zoom and subsequent actions. Accepted Values: ['initial', 'always'] Default Value: 'always' |
arrows | Array.<Object> | Creates a container to hold any number of chart arrow objects, which are great for drawing attention to a specific area of your chart. Default Value: [] |
async | Boolean | Paints the graph's plots in an async mode, one by one with a small delay between each one, making the chart more responsive in case of a large number of plots. Default Value: false |
backgroundClip background-clip | Boolean | Clips the background image to the margins of the shape/box. Default Value: true |
backgroundColor background-color | String | Sets the background color of the object. Colors can be entered by name (e.g., "purple", "blue"), hexadecimal notation (e.g., "#666699", #33ccff"), or RGB notation (e.g., "rgb(255,0,0)", "rgb(0,0,255)") Default Value: null |
backgroundColor1 background-color-1 | String | Sets the first color of a 2 color background gradient of the object. To be used with background-color-2. Default Value: null |
backgroundColor2 background-color-2 | String | Sets the second color of a 2 color background gradient of the object. To be used with background-color-1. Default Value: null |
backgroundFit background-fit | String | Sets the direction/s on which the background image is being "stretched". Default Value: '' |
backgroundImage background-image | String | Sets a background image for the object. Value can be a local file or a web image's location.
backgroundPosition background-position | String | Sets the position of the background when the background-repeat value is no-repeat. Default Value: '50% 50%' |
backgroundRepeat background-repeat | Boolean, String | Sets the repeating mode for the background image. Default Value: 'repeat' |
backgroundScale background-scale | Number | Scales the background image using the specified ratio. Default Value: 1 |
border | Number | Sets the border width of the object. Can be a single value or a string of values, setting the values in the order "top right bottom left" |
borderAlpha border-alpha | Number | Sets the transparency level of the border on the object. Values must range between 0.0 and 1.0, with 0.0 being completely transparent and 1.0 being completely opaque. Note that values require the leading 0 before the decimal point. Default Value: 1 Introduced in: v2.1.1 |
borderBottom border-bottom | Number | Sets the object's bottom border style. Accepts solid, dashed, and dotted styles. Default Value: '' |
borderColor border-color | String | Sets the border color of the object. Default Value: '#000' |
borderLeft border-left | Number | Sets the object's left border style. Accepts solid, dashed, and dotted styles. |
borderRadius border-radius | Number | Sets the object's border radius for rounded corners. Larger values create rounder corners, while smaller values create sharper corners. A single value will affect all 4 corners; multiple values will have separate effects on each corner, with the first value affecting the top-left corner, the second value affecting the top-right corner, and so on, in a clockwise direction. A negative value will cut a corner off without rounding. Default Value: 0 |
borderRadiusBottomLeft border-radius-bottom-left | Number | Sets the object's bottom-left border radius for rounded corners. Larger values create rounder corners, while smaller values create sharper corners. A negative value will cut a corner off without rounding. Default Value: 0 |
borderRadiusBottomRight border-radius-bottom-right | Number | Sets the object's bottom-right border radius for rounded corners. Larger values create rounder corners, while smaller values create sharper corners. A negative value will cut a corner off without rounding. Default Value: 0 |
borderRadiusTopLeft border-radius-top-left | Number | Sets the object's top-left border radius for rounded corners. Larger values create rounder corners, while smaller values create sharper corners. A negative value will cut a corner off without rounding. Default Value: 0 |
borderRadiusTopRight border-radius-top-right | Number | Sets the object's top-right border radius for rounded corners. Larger values create rounder corners, while smaller values create sharper corners. A negative value will cut a corner off without rounding. Default Value: 0 |
borderRight border-right | Number | Sets the object's right border style. Accepts solid, dashed, and dotted styles. Default Value: '' |
borderTop border-top | Number | Sets the object's top border style. Accepts solid, dashed, and dotted styles. Default Value: '' |
borderWidth border-width | Number | Sets the border width of the object. Default Value: 0 |
bubbleLegend bubble-legend | Object | Enables legend for bubble charts. Introduced in: v2.8.4 Chart types: Bubble Legend Module |
centerRef center-ref | Boolean | Sets the (0,0) x/y coordinates as the center of the box (instead of the top-left corner). Default Value: false |
chart | Object | Allows you to style the plotarea, which is the area directly behind a chart's plotted data. This area is delimited by the ends of the X and Y scales. To style the area outside of the scales, place the styling attributes within the main graph object. Default Value: null |
class | String | Sets a class value on the object. Default Value: null |
colorScale color-scale | Object | Configure the color scale for a choropleth map Introduced in: v2.8.4 Chart types: Interactive-maps |
crosshairX crosshair-x | Object | Object to style the x axis crosshair. Crosshairs are interactive labels that appear when users hover over the data points (or node values) on your chart. Default Value: null |
crosshairY crosshair-y | Object | Object to style the y axis crosshair. Crosshairs are interactive labels that appear when users hover over the data points (or node values) on your chart. Default Value: null |
csv | Object, String | Imports data from external CSV (and few other similar file types).
Accepts url or path to CSV (String).
Accepts an object that configures the CSV import . Default Value: null |
dataN data-n | Any | Prefix attribute or array using "data-" to define a custom token. |
description | String | Sets a more detailed description for the plot. |
fillAngle fill-angle | Number | Sets the angle of the axis along which the linear gradient is drawn. Default Value: 90 |
fillOffsetX fill-offset-x | Number | Sets an X offset to apply to the fill. Default Value: 0 |
fillOffsetY fill-offset-y | Number | Sets a Y offset to apply to the fill. Default Value: 0 |
fillType fill-type | String | Sets the background gradient fill type to either linear or radial. Accepted Values: ['linear', 'none', 'radial'] Default Value: 'linear' |
gradientColors gradient-colors | String | Sets a set of colors for a complex background gradient consisting of 2 or more colors. To be used with gradient-stops. Default Value: '' |
gradientStops gradient-stops | String | Sets the gradient stops for a complex background gradient consisting of 2 or more colors. To be used with gradient-colors. Default Value: '' |
guide | Object | Used to style the lines and backgrounds behind the plotted data. Default Value: null |
heatmap | Object | Customizes the heatmap display and functionality. Introduced in: v2.8.6 Chart types: Heatmap-plugin |
height | Number | Sets the object's height. Default Value: 0 |
id | String | Sets the id of the object. Default Value: '' |
images | Array.<Object> | Creates a container to hold any number of chart image objects. Images can be styled and placed anywhere on a chart. Default Value: [] Chart types: Pictograph Chart |
labels | Array.<Object> | Sets the labels. Default Value: [] |
legend | Object | Create a `legend` object to add a legend to your chart. Default Value: null |
maxTrackers max-trackers | Number | Sets the maximum numbers of nodes for which a tracking area will be created. This is best used to optimize charts with large sets of data. |
noData no-data | Object | No Data attribute gives your charts the ability to let the user know when no graph data has been loaded into a chart. The look and size of the chart will be rendered, but the plotarea will be masked off. Default Value: null |
offsetX offset-x | Number | Sets an x-offset to apply when positioning the object. |
offsetY offset-y | Number | Sets an y-offset to apply when positioning the object. |
page | Number | Sets a page number for the current graph. At one moment, on a multi-graph graphset, only graphs with the same page will be displayed. By default all graphs are placed on first page (0) so they are all displayed. |
palette | Array.<String>, Object | Defines a custom color palette to apply to chart. |
plot | Object | Set plot specific properties |
plotarea | Object | Allows you to style the plotarea, which is the area directly behind a chart's plotted data. This area is delimited by the ends of the X and Y scales. To style the area outside of the scales, place the styling attributes within the main graph object. Default Value: null |
preview | Object | Preview charts are a miniaturized version of the main chart, allowing users to zoom in and examine sections of a chart while still viewing it in its entirety. Default Value: null |
rectShortcut rect-shortcut | Boolean | Used to force the library to create rectangles using a faster drawing API (instead of painting them like a closed polygon). However, using this would disable effects like rounded borders. It is a performance setting for edge cases. Default Value: false |
refresh | Object | Sets the chart's automated data refresh system. Default Value: null |
resources | Array.<Object> | Preload links using the resources attribute. |
scalableYAxis scalable-y-axis | Object | Sets up click-and-drag scaling on y-axis. Requires explicitly loading the scalableyaxis module. Introduced in: v2.6.1 |
scale | Object | Configures scale. |
scaleK scale-k | Object | Configure scale-k. |
scaleN scale-n | Object | Configure `scale-n`. Only additional scales up to `scale-9` is supported. Setting `scale-n` styles all scales. |
scaleR scale-r | Object | Configure scale-r. |
scaleRN scale-r-n | Object | Configure `scale-r-n`. Only additional scales up to `scale-r-9` is supported. Setting `scale-r-n` styles all r-axis scales. |
scaleV scale-v | Object | Configure scale-v. |
scaleX scale-x | Object | Configure scale-x |
scaleXN scale-x-n | Object | Configure `scale-x-n`. Only additional scales `scale-x-9` is supported. Setting `scale-x-n` styles all y-axis scales. |
scaleY scale-y | Object | Configure scale-y |
scaleYN scale-y-n | Object | Configure `scale-y-n`. Only additional scales up to `scale-y-9` is supported. Setting `scale-y-n` styles all y-axis scales. |
scrollX scroll-x | Object | Use to style the bar and handle portions of the X scrollbar Default Value: null |
scrollY scroll-y | Object | Use to style the bar and handle portions of the Y scrollbar Default Value: null |
selection | Array.<Array.<Number>>, Boolean | Sets selection of the nodes on the chart.
Enables or disables selection on chart (Boolean).
Sets the initial selection state for chart nodes. Accepts Array |
selectionTool selection-tool | Object | Styles the mask of the selection area. |
series | Array.<Object>, Object | Set series specific properties |
shapes | Array.<Object> | An array that contains objects defining chart map items to include in map chart. Default Value: [] |
shapes | Array.<Object> | An array that contains objects defining chart shapes. Shapes can be styled and placed anywhere on a chart. Default Value: [] |
sortObjects sort-objects | Boolean | Set to false for a performance boost if there are no objects (with active areas) that overlap.
Be default, sorts objects by size so that smaller ones are not obscured by larger objects. Default Value: true |
source | Object | Places a text label on a chart to indicate a data source. By default, the source will appear in the bottom right corner of a chart. Default Value: null |
stackType stack-type | String | Sets the stacking logic for stacked charts. Accepted Values: ['normal', '100%'] Default Value: 'normal' |
stacked | Boolean | Setting 'stacked': true will take each of the 'series' value sets and stack them on top of one another Default Value: false |
subtitle | Object | Allows you to include a chart subtitle that will, by default, appear just below a title (if one is included). Default Value: null |
timeZone time-zone | Number | Time-Series Charts only: To set the UTC timezone. Use with the 'utc' attribute and 'transform' object in the applicable scale object. Default Value: 0 |
title | Object | Displays a title across the top of the chart. Default Value: null |
topLayer top-layer | String | Set to 'legend' to paint legend above crosshair elements.
When crosshair(s) and legend are enabled, by default crosshair(s) are always on top. Accepted Values: ['legend'] Default Value: '' Introduced in: v2.3.3 |
urlData url-data | String | Sets the url used for full http refresh feed. Default Value: null |
utc | Boolean | Time-Series Charts only: To set the chart to UTC time. Use with the 'timezone' attribute and 'transform' object in the applicable scale object. Default Value: false |
widget | Object | Type of the widget. The zingchart.widgets.myWidget object must exist and define a parse method returning an object with graphs, labels, and shapes collections which will be injected in the original JSON. |
widgets | Array.<Object>, Object | A way to extend default ZingChart functionality with object syntax. |
width | Number | Sets the object's width. Default Value: 0 |
x | Number | Sets the X position of the object. Default Value: -1 |
y | Number | Sets the Y position of the object. |
zIndex z-index | Number | Sets the z position of the object. Objects with higher z indexes will appear "above" those with lower z index values. Default Value: 1 |
zoom | Object | Chart zooming is an interactive chart feature that allows users to select a zoom area by clicking and dragging. Use the `zoom` object to style the zoom area, add zooming labels, turn on shared zooming, and more. Default Value: null |