graph » palette


[ root » graph » palette ]

The palette object allows you to create your own theme to easily be reused with multiple charts.

areaArray.<Array.<String>>Sets the color palette for styling area chart series items.
Array.<Array.<String>>Sets the color palette for styling 3D area chart series items.
bubbleArray.<Array.<String>>Sets the color palette for styling bubble chart series items.
chordArray.<Array.<String>>Sets the color palette for styling chord chart series items.
gaugeArray.<Array.<String>>Sets the color palette for styling gauge chart series items.
hbarArray.<Array.<String>>Sets the color palette for styling hbar chart series items.
Array.<Array.<String>>Sets the color palette for styling 3D hbar chart series items.
hbulletArray.<Array.<String>>Sets the color palette for styling hbullet chart series items.
hfunnelArray.<Array.<String>>Sets the color palette for styling hfunnel chart series items.
lineArray.<Array.<String>>Sets the color palette for styling line chart series items.
Array.<Array.<String>>Sets the color palette for styling 3D line chart series items.
mixedArray.<Array.<String>>Sets the color palette for styling mixed chart series items.
nestedpieArray.<Array.<String>>Sets the color palette for styling nestedpie chart series items.
pianoArray.<Array.<String>>Sets the color palette for styling piano chart series items.
pieArray.<Array.<String>>Sets the color palette for styling pie chart series items.
Array.<Array.<String>>Sets the color palette for styling 3D pie chart series items.
radarArray.<Array.<String>>Sets the color palette for styling radar chart series items.
scatterArray.<Array.<String>>Sets the color palette for styling scatter chart series items.
stockArray.<Array.<String>>Sets the color palette for styling stock chart series items.
treemapArray.<Array.<String>>Sets the color palette for styling treemap chart series items.
vbarArray.<Array.<String>>Sets the color palette for styling vbar chart series items.
Array.<Array.<String>>Sets the color palette for styling 3D vbar chart series items.
vbulletArray.<Array.<String>>Sets the color palette for styling vbullet chart series items.
vennArray.<Array.<String>>Sets the color palette for styling venn chart series items.
vfunnelArray.<Array.<String>>Sets the color palette for styling vfunnel chart series items.
wordcloudArray.<Array.<String>>Sets the color palette for styling wordcloud chart series items.