graph » options » link » media-rules
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Tree chart only: Styles the links in the tree chart
Attribute | Type | Description |
alpha | Number | Sets the opacity on the marker, with 0 being fully transparent and 1 being fully opaque. Note that decimal value requires the leading 0. |
angle | Number | Sets the rotation angle of the object. Default Value: 0 |
aspect | String | Sets the aspect of the chart. Accepted Values: ['arc', 'line', 'sibling', 'side-after', 'side-before', 'side-between', 'split'] Default Value: 'arc' Introduced in: v2.8.4 Chart types: Tree-module |
class | String | Sets a class value on the object. Default Value: null |
dataN data-n | Any | Prefix attribute or array using "data-" to define a custom token. |
endPoint end-point | Object | Configures the arrowhead at the link's end point. Introduced in: v2.9.9 |
fastVectorPath fast-vector-path | Boolean | Set true to enable optimization for large data set when connecting two points. Default Value: false |
id | String | Sets the id of the object. Default Value: '' |
lineColor line-color | String | Sets the line color of the object, applicable on non-closed shapes. See also border-color for closed shapes. Default Value: '#000' |
lineGapSize line-gap-size | Number | Can be used to create custom dashed or dotted lines when used with line-segment-size. This will control the size of the gaps between each line segment. Default Value: 0 |
lineSegmentSize line-segment-size | Number | Can be used to create custom dashed or dotted lines when used with line-gap-size. This will control the size of the visible segment of line. Default Value: 0 |
lineStyle line-style | String | Sets the line style of the object. Accepted Values: ['dashdot', 'dashed', 'dotted', 'solid'] Default Value: '' |
lineWidth line-width | Number | Sets the line width of the object, applicable on non-closed shapes. See also border-width for closed shapes. Default Value: 0 |
maxHeight max-height | Number | Sets the maximum chart height in pixels. Introduced in: v2.4.1 |
maxWidth max-width | Number | Sets the maximum chart width in pixels. Introduced in: v2.4.1 |
minHeight min-height | Number | Sets the minimum chart height in pixels. Introduced in: v2.4.1 |
minWidth min-width | Number | Sets the minimum chart width in pixels. Introduced in: v2.4.1 |
offsetX offset-x | Number | Sets an x-offset to apply when positioning the object. Default Value: 0 |
offsetY offset-y | Number | Sets an y-offset to apply when positioning the object. Default Value: 0 |
shadow | Boolean | Sets whether the object's shadow is visible or not. Has limited effect on HTML5 implementation. Default Value: false |
shadowAlpha shadow-alpha | Number | Sets the transparency of the shadow of the object. The higher the value, the less transparent the shadow will be. Default Value: 0.75 |
shadowAngle shadow-angle | Number | Sets the angle of the shadow underneath the object. Default Value: 45 |
shadowBlur shadow-blur | Number | Sets the blur effect size for the shadow of the object. Has limited effect on HTML5 implementation. Default Value: 0 |
shadowColor shadow-color | String | Sets the color of the shadow of the object. Default Value: '#999' |
shadowDistance shadow-distance | Number | Sets the distance between the shadow and the object. Default Value: 2 |
startPoint start-point | Object | Configures the arrowhead at the link's start point. Introduced in: v2.9.9 |
visible | Boolean | Sets the visibility of the object. Allows you to turn off the object without removing lines of JSON. Default Value: true |
zIndex z-index | Number | Sets the z position of the object. Objects with higher z indexes will appear "above" those with lower z index values. Default Value: 1 |