graph » series » preview-state
[ root » graph » series » preview-state ]
To style the chart portion of the preview-state chart. You can specify the preview-state chart type (area or line chart) and styling.
Attribute | Type | Description |
alpha | Number | Sets the opacity on the marker, with 0 being fully transparent and 1 being fully opaque. Note that decimal value requires the leading 0. |
backgroundClip background-clip | Boolean | Clips the background image to the margins of the shape/box. Default Value: true |
backgroundColor background-color | String | Sets the background color of the object. Colors can be entered by name (e.g., "purple", "blue"), hexadecimal notation (e.g., "#666699", #33ccff"), or RGB notation (e.g., "rgb(255,0,0)", "rgb(0,0,255)") Default Value: null |
backgroundColor1 background-color-1 | String | Sets the first color of a 2 color background gradient of the object. To be used with background-color-2. Default Value: null |
backgroundColor2 background-color-2 | String | Sets the second color of a 2 color background gradient of the object. To be used with background-color-1. Default Value: null |
backgroundFit background-fit | String | Sets the direction/s on which the background image is being "stretched". Default Value: '' |
backgroundImage background-image | String | Sets a background image for the object. Value can be a local file or a web image's location.
backgroundPosition background-position | String | Sets the position of the background when the background-repeat value is no-repeat. Default Value: '50% 50%' |
backgroundRepeat background-repeat | Boolean, String | Sets the repeating mode for the background image. Default Value: 'repeat' |
backgroundScale background-scale | Number | Scales the background image using the specified ratio. Default Value: 1 |
borderRadius border-radius | Number | Sets the object's border radius for rounded corners. Larger values create rounder corners, while smaller values create sharper corners. A single value will affect all 4 corners; multiple values will have separate effects on each corner, with the first value affecting the top-left corner, the second value affecting the top-right corner, and so on, in a clockwise direction. A negative value will cut a corner off without rounding. Default Value: 0 |
borderRadiusBottomLeft border-radius-bottom-left | Number | Sets the object's bottom-left border radius for rounded corners. Larger values create rounder corners, while smaller values create sharper corners. A negative value will cut a corner off without rounding. Default Value: 0 |
borderRadiusBottomRight border-radius-bottom-right | Number | Sets the object's bottom-right border radius for rounded corners. Larger values create rounder corners, while smaller values create sharper corners. A negative value will cut a corner off without rounding. Default Value: 0 |
borderRadiusTopLeft border-radius-top-left | Number | Sets the object's top-left border radius for rounded corners. Larger values create rounder corners, while smaller values create sharper corners. A negative value will cut a corner off without rounding. Default Value: 0 |
borderRadiusTopRight border-radius-top-right | Number | Sets the object's top-right border radius for rounded corners. Larger values create rounder corners, while smaller values create sharper corners. A negative value will cut a corner off without rounding. Default Value: 0 |
centerRef center-ref | Boolean | Sets the (0,0) x/y coordinates as the center of the box (instead of the top-left corner). Default Value: false |
class | String | Sets a class value on the object. Default Value: null |
dataN data-n | Any | Prefix attribute or array using "data-" to define a custom token. |
fillAngle fill-angle | Number | Sets the angle of the axis along which the linear gradient is drawn. Default Value: 90 |
fillOffsetX fill-offset-x | Number | Sets an X offset to apply to the fill. Default Value: 0 |
fillOffsetY fill-offset-y | Number | Sets a Y offset to apply to the fill. Default Value: 0 |
fillType fill-type | String | Sets the background gradient fill type to either linear or radial. Accepted Values: ['linear', 'none', 'radial'] Default Value: 'linear' |
gradientColors gradient-colors | String | Sets a set of colors for a complex background gradient consisting of 2 or more colors. To be used with gradient-stops. Default Value: '' |
gradientStops gradient-stops | String | Sets the gradient stops for a complex background gradient consisting of 2 or more colors. To be used with gradient-colors. Default Value: '' |
id | String | Sets the id of the object. Default Value: '' |
lineColor line-color | String | Sets the line color of the object, applicable on non-closed shapes. See also border-color for closed shapes. Default Value: '#000' |
lineGapSize line-gap-size | Number | Can be used to create custom dashed or dotted lines when used with line-segment-size. This will control the size of the gaps between each line segment. Default Value: 0 |
lineSegmentSize line-segment-size | Number | Can be used to create custom dashed or dotted lines when used with line-gap-size. This will control the size of the visible segment of line. Default Value: 0 |
lineStyle line-style | String | Sets the line style of the object. Accepted Values: ['dashdot', 'dashed', 'dotted', 'solid'] Default Value: '' |
lineWidth line-width | Number | Sets the line width of the object, applicable on non-closed shapes. See also border-width for closed shapes. Default Value: 0 |
offsetX offset-x | Number | Sets an x-offset to apply when positioning the object. |
offsetY offset-y | Number | Sets an y-offset to apply when positioning the object. |
points | Array.<any> | Sets the coordinates of the object/shape points. Default Value: [] |
shadow | Boolean | Sets whether the object's shadow is visible or not. Has limited effect on HTML5 implementation. Default Value: false |
shadowAlpha shadow-alpha | Number | Sets the transparency of the shadow of the object. The higher the value, the less transparent the shadow will be. Default Value: 0.75 |
shadowAngle shadow-angle | Number | Sets the angle of the shadow underneath the object. Default Value: 45 |
shadowBlur shadow-blur | Number | Sets the blur effect size for the shadow of the object. Has limited effect on HTML5 implementation. Default Value: 0 |
shadowColor shadow-color | String | Sets the color of the shadow of the object. Default Value: '#999' |
shadowDistance shadow-distance | Number | Sets the distance between the shadow and the object. Default Value: 2 |
zIndex z-index | Number | Sets the z position of the object. Objects with higher z indexes will appear "above" those with lower z index values. Default Value: 1 |